Publiken twittrar under inspelningen av Oprah [UPPD]

Under tiden Oprahs show spelades in twittrade publiken om hela shown. Dakota var också där! :) Här kommer det:

RT @MochaChick8705: @KstewAngel she was wearing a green, fitted zip-up sweater, black leggings, and black high heels. Very stylish!!

RT @dkmulder: seating, Rob, Kris. Tay. Dakota came out and Tay switched with Kris so besties could sit by each other. It's raining.

RT @dkmulder: Oprah asked about them, Rob joked and said Kris is pregnant! LOL

RT @kstewartnews: RT @dkmulder: Then Kris said Rob's having the baby.

RT @MochaChick8705: parted down the side, kept running her fingers through it and pushing it back. longer layers than the mullet and brown. [her hair]

RT @MochaChick8705 she flat out asked them. Rob said Kristen was actually pregnant, but then Kristen said he would be having the baby.

'Forest green. She smiled and giggled. No bitchface. She was so cute when she was awkward and couldn't think of what to say'
RT @MochaChick8705: they kept smiling back and forth and saying inside jokes. Honestly, they totally seem like they like each other.

RT @KstewRobFans: Questions #Oprah asked : what do u do on a saturday night, do u feel typecast, why'd u take on the role

'Oprah did ask the ultimate question R Rob & Kristen together. Rob deflected w/a joke. R: "Kristen is pregnant." K:"he likes to shock ppl." O:"oh..*laughs" K:"unless u want it to be u" O:"ok! I wouldn't mind!" Every1 laughed More as we get it...

Oprah show reactions här!

Oh gud vad jag längtar tills vi får se det!!!!! Jag kan inte vänta! :)
Textkälla || Twicrackaddict & Twifans

Postat av: Anonym

Du är inte den enda! Tur att vi är lediga nästa vecka på Robert's födelsedag eftersom det kommer ut då! Jag kommer sitta spikad framför datorn hela dagen! :D

2010-05-06 @ 14:47:24

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