Intervjuer med Ash, Kellan och Jackson

Här kommer lite intervjuer med Ashkey, Kellen och Jackson.

Videokälla || Twifans

Intervjuer med Tay och Kristen

Här kommer en video med hela press konferensen.

Och tack till Emma som skickade dessa intervjuer från NRJ.

Preview på Jimmy Kimmels Eclipse special

Preview på Jimmy Kimmel Eclipse specialen som ska visas den 30 juni:

Videokälla || EclipseMovie

Artist on Artist med Kellan, Peter & Sam

Artist on Artist med Kellan, Peter och Sam Endicott.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Artist on Artist

Artist on Artist | MySpace Video
Videokälla || KellanLutzOnline

Cinema magazine intervjuar Kellan

Videokälla || TwilightLexicon

Massa videos från Fan-Convention i Berlin

Här har ni en massa videos från när Kristen och Taylor blev intervjuade i Berlin

Källa || EclipseMovie

Tv Guide intervjuar Taylor, Kristen och Rob

En rolig och gullig intervju men där är spoiler scener för er som inte vill se nåt än från Eclipse ;)

Källa || TeamTwilight

POPSugar intervju med Jackson Rathbone

Källa || EclipseMovie

Backstage från The Tonight Show med Rob och Emma

AHAHAHAAHAH!!!! Gud vad jag skrattade! En video från The Tonight Show, backstage. OMG! Ni får se själva för att förstå!

En annan sak om vi nu snackar om Emma Roberts och Robert Pattinson. Som ni kanske vet så erkände hon på shown att hon är Team Jacob. Fine! Det är väl klart att alla är olika. MEN, efter det startade ett "krig" på twitter. Arga fans började twittra till Emma och säga hur taskig hon var (ännu fulare saker). Efter det raderade hon sitt twitter konto! :o

Jag menar hallå? Varför ska man börja hacka på någon om man är Team Jacob eller Team Edward? Man blir verkligen besviken på sånna fans... Men ja ja, gjort är gjort.

Videokälla || Twifans

E! intervjuar Ash, Jackson och Kellan

E! intervjuar Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone och Kellan Lutz.

Videokälla || Twilightish

Melissa Rosenberg intervju från röda mattan

Här är en intervju med Melissa från en Eclipse Press Conference

Källa || TwilightLexicon

12 intervjuer med Kristen

Många nya Rough Cut intervjuer med Kristen.

Videokälla || Robstenation

Intervju med skaparna av Eclipse

David Slade (regissör), Wyck Godfrey (producent) och Melissa Rosenberg (manusförfattare) svarar på frågan: Vilken scen är er favorit scen i Eclipse? Spoilers för er som inte läst boken än

Källa || TheTwilightSaga

Robs och Kristens intervju med Extra

Extra intervju med Kristen:

Robs intervju med Extra:

Videokälla || Extra via TwilightLexicon

Cullen Panel Press Conference

Här har vi hela intervjun från press konferensen med Peter Facinelli, Nikki Reed, Elizabeth Reaser, Jackson Rathbone och Ashley Greene.

Nikki looking gangsta! :D Haha, en liten intervju med Peter, Nikki och Elizabeth som MTV gjorde.
Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Videokälla || NikkiReedCentral

Robert på The Tonight Show

Robert PattinsonThe Tonight Show med Jay Leno. Hilarious!! Så roligt det med hans föräldrar. :D

Videokälla || ThinkingofRob

Video från Jimmy Kimmel

Här kommer några video från Jimmy Kimmel i bra kvalite!

Videokälla || RobPattinson

HitFix intervjuar Kristen

HitFix intervjuar Kristen:

Videokälla || HitFix

Rob intervjuas av Reelz Channel

Eclipse | Robert Pattinson | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailers
Videokälla || RobPattinson

Robert Pattinson: "Kissing felt more natural in Eclipse"

En GRYMT bra intervju (tycker jag iaf) läs den :D

Robert Pattinson may not be immortal like sexy vampire Edward Cullen, but he's not going to be forgotten
anytime soon. Rabid "Twi-hards" can't wait for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the latest big-screen installment of Stephenie Meyer's epic story of vampire love.

This time around, Edward and his beloved Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, get engaged, but pesky werewolf Jacob, played by Taylor Lautner, is getting in the way. Whatever happens, if RPattz can help it, he and Bella are not consummating their love.

Let's hear it for virginity.
"Edward is old fashioned. Nowadays, everyone just goes around screwing everyone for no reason. I guess Edward doesn't really want to sort of cheapen his relationship with Bella, even though she's pushing him to go all the way. He's got this certain idea of how it should go with the love of his life. He wants to do it right and not just follow his base instincts. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned in that way as well."

But that didn't stand in the way of a lot of lip-locking.
"Kissing felt a little bit more natural in Eclipse, even if there was plenty of it. In New Moon and Twilight it was always like, 'Oh, I'm gonna kill you if I kiss you' or something. It was always kind of odd. But, in this one, they both understand their situation a lot more, which makes it easier. It's the first time Kristen and I have been able to just act like a normal couple."

So are they a couple off-screen?
"I guess people like stories, that's my basic conclusion. They just want everything in our lives to be like Twilight. The truth is...that I wish I had a few more hours of sleep today so I could think of a better answer. I'm always so exhausted all the time. Lack of sleep is like taking a Valium."

They have their differences.
"Kristen brings like a lot of herself to Bella, probably more than I do to Edward. She's not the Bella I imagined from reading the books in which she was much more of a damsel in distress. Kristen's quite a lot tougher, which I like. I'm really sort of constantly working to get into my character and it just seems to come much more naturally to Kristen. Her mind works completely differently. She can feel things immediately, and I'm more cerebral."

Has he ever been in competition for a woman he loved?
"I don't compete. I'm not good at doing it. I just kind of leave it alone. I do understand that if you are the one with a girl and someone else is trying to take her away, maybe you're forced into fighting a little bit. Have I ever gotten in a fight with someone for the love of a woman? I have to think. Probably. But I don't know if it was about love or if it was more about pride."

Competing with Taylor Lautner.
"We had a confrontational scene where I sort of push him around a little bit. I thought I'd really scare him and grab him and it would freak him out. So I went to grab his shoulder, but he's so pumped up. It was too big to actually get a grip on. That was kind of embarrassing. I did tease him unmercifully about having to dress up in a little grey spandex wolf suit all the time and try and be intimidating while Kristen was patting him on the head."

Coping with Twi-hards.
"I kind of made the transition in my head of not being freaked out by it. If you're just a normal person walking down the street and everybody starts screaming at you, you'd be like, 'What is going on?' But when it happens so often to you, you kind of actually look at people's faces and see that they're enjoying themselves, and it makes everything so much easier to accept. Everything becomes a lot easier."

Källa || Parade

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